Fee Structure

Fee Structure (2021-22) as per Fee Regulation Act

SN Classes I - II III - V VI - VIII IX - X XI - XII
1 REGISTRATION (ONE TIME) 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500
2 ADMISSION (ONE TIME) 4000 4000 4000 4500 4500
3 Composite Fee Ist Qtr. (Apr to Jun) 4200 4670 5370 6560 6560
4 Composite Fee 2nd Qtr. (jul to sept) 4200 4670 5370 6560 6560
5 Composite Fee 3rd Qtr. (Oct to Dec) 4200 4670 5370 6560 6560
6 Composite Fee 4th Qtr. (Jan to Mar) 4200 4670 5370 6560 6560
7 Examination Fee 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000